- July 04, 2019 by Mad Ned##gameshell, ##python, ##scifi, ##planetbusters, ##pyglet, ##clockworkpiSo after a long hiatus, we've been at work on the sequel to our Game Shell jam entry, Planet Busters. The new framework is using Pyglet instead of Pygame, which allows use of Python3 and better Open... Continue reading
- April 05, 2019 by Mad Ned##game shell, ##sci-fi, ##retro, ##action, ##spaceHi All, We have updated our Planet Busters Game Shell release to fix a bug that occurs in the last planet level, causing the game to crash before getting to the final battle level. If you ran into is... Continue reading
- April 05, 2019 by Mad Ned##action, ##retro, ##puzzle, ##2d, ##linuxWe've uploaded a Linux x86 version of our planet busting retrogame, Planet Busters! We tested this out with Ubuntu but it should work with just about any recent Linux distro we expect. Let us know i... Continue reading